Functionally Fit
A while back I posted a poll on my Instagram stories to gauge my audience on some fitness related topics.
Most answered that they wanted some kind of routine or direction when it came to their fitness but had no idea where to start or what to do. When I asked where most people worked out, they said at home! I loved that so many of those that answered made working out at home a priority and we’re committed to it.
My last question, I asked was if they would enjoy an e-book. “YES!” So I got to work. I created a 12 week guide to workout from home or the gym, with no equipment necessary (unless you wanted to add resistance). From a newbie, to a seasoned gym rat, this 12 week guide could be beneficial.
A recent review came in,
“Rating: 5/5 stars
Amazing graphics, very easy to read and understand!! Awesome info!”
Includes 1 digital download with a habit tracker, weekly planner, exercise glossary so you know exactly HOW to do the movements, illustrations and photo’s, a warm-up and cool-down guide, as well as indications of how and when you can increase or decrease difficulty.
My focus as a trainer is to help you feel better for your day to day living. I made this e-book with ME in mind. What did I need when I was first starting out trying to feel good, stronger, and maybe more “fit”. I needed to have a base to grow from, and that’s why I made this book.
If you’re looking for an e-book to get you started in feeling better, head over to my shop page to download your guide. If you have questions or are wanting one-on-one coaching, contact me and we will chat.